Josh Johnson Pest Control Currently Serves The Following Counties In The State of Florida: Polk, Highlands, Hardee, Hillsborough, Lake, Manatee, Orange, Osceola, Okeechobee, Sumter, And Any Of The Other Counties In Our Great State Of Florida Upon Special Request.
Our company uses pet-safe and environmentally friendly methods!
Josh Johnson Pest Control serves various locations such as Commercial Warehouse Space, Boats, RVs, House Trailers, Campsites, Houses, Mobile Homes, Bakeries, Mills, Breweries, Mausoleums, Supermarkets, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Surgery Centers, Coroner & Medical Examiner Facilities, Laboratories, Schools & Universities, Showrooms, Flex Space Buildings, Apartments, Condominiums, Co-Ops, Townhomes, (Class A, Class B, and Class C Properties), Government Facilities, Restrooms, Hotels, Industrial Space, Conference Rooms, Restaurants, Gyms, Jails & Prisons, Police Stations, Aircraft Cabins / Helicopters, Fire Stations, Laundry Facilities, Day Cares, Public Transportation (Buses, Air Lines), Commercial Kitchens, Any Public Area, and much more.
We are not the cheapest, however, if you go to our competitors, you can spend less than you would with us, however, the quality is not the same - it's not apples to apples and we actually care.
Our customers often remind us how grateful they are for Josh Johnson Pest Control, by telling us “You're worth every penny, and then some” - and for that, we are grateful.
Call a professional - specifically, Josh Johnson Pest Control - if you find you have a problem with any of the above Common Pests - especially "ants" and/or "roaches". It is better to have a professional like Josh, spend some quality time with you in order to make a diagnosis and create a treatment plan to help you get on a regular pest prevention schedule where IPM (Integrated Pest Management) can be implemented. Florida is known for its higher temperatures and increased humidity which brings with it pests throughout the year - so keeping your home safe from these pests is ideal. If you have tried the rest, now is the time to come experience the best - Call Josh Johnson Pest Control today!
We provide the following services:
● General Household Pest and Rodent Control Services / Exclusion Services Available Upon Request
● Annual Interior Treatment ● Free Service Calls ● 4 Exterior Treatments A Year ● Flea & Tick Service Included
● NO TENT Drywood TERMITES Services ● Subterranean TERMITES Services
● Termite and Other Wood-Destroying Organisms Control - (Call TODAY for Josh to come out and provide a FREE quote)
● Rodent Service & Trapping ● Monthly Mosquito Service ● Bed Bug Service & Removal ● Spider Treatments
● Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control - (Expanding Our Services/Comming Soon)
Together, these elements form the groundwork as it relates to the method of Integrated Pest Management, more commonly referred to as IPM. Once Josh Johnson Pest Control has taken everything into consideration, the decision may be to not apply chemicals. Control strategies that are least or non-toxic to humans and non-target organisms will be emphasized, despite the fact the use of chemicals is not necessarily eliminated with Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
One may ask, does Josh Johnson Pest Control use Natural Pest Services? What is Organic Pest Control? The word Organic means using chemicals that are naturally occurring rather than man-made. Organic Pest Control can be just as deadly and have far-reaching effects. The difference is that one is naturally occurring, and the other is synthesized in a lab. Many Organic Pest Control products use salt or vinegar as the main ingredient, but some can be quite powerful such as pyrethrum, which is a natural solution that comes from Chrysanthemum plants. Natural Pest Control is a product that has naturally occurring compounds as the main ingredients. To be clear about how the word Organic works, we would like to point out that crude oil is Organic. When it is released into the environment it has a negative consequence and its effect can be deadly – Think oil spills and disasters such as the wreck of the Exon Valdez. The point here is that the word “Organic” is not a catchall for safe chemicals. It represents chemicals that are both safe and dangerous, but all are naturally occurring. At the end of the day, Organic does not mean the product is always safe to use on food or inside your home. A claim to be Organic is a far stretch - "Caveat Emptor" - the use of pesticides is continuing to develop.
There is data which highlights 30-40 percent of the pesticide use in Florida has developed within our urban areas. Our state of Florida has been and continues to be an ideal environment for insect pests and weedy plants due to its subtropical, humid environment. This is where Josh Johnson Pest Control comes into play.
Our goal in the control of pests will be to provide the safest, as well as, a wholesome approach to pest problems. We believe in an effective and environmentally sensitive approach, all while relying on a combination of common-sense practices. The Pest Control industry is one of many industries that hasn't really changed for quite a few decades. Our vision is to be different and help our customers experience something new by changing the way Pest Control has been carried out and the products being used. We are enthusiastic about the functional benefits of the products we use. We believe in integrity and our genuine commitment to communicating honestly about who we are, what we do, and what we represent. Josh Johnson Pest Control has an unbeatable work ethic combined with the latest technology which continues to be beneficial for a variety of companies, individuals, families, pets, and our beautiful environment in which we all share with one another, each and every day. Here at Josh Johnson Pest Control, we have an unflinching ability to lean into uncertainty all while boldly challenging the status quo. We are tenacious in our pursuit of excellence and continually push for innovations to help our customers. We power great experiences through technology, process, and our people. We have mastered an uncanny ability to provide superior customer service like no other. We are working towards smashing existing market expectations by redesigning service delivery that is getting rid of all the things that bug people about dealing with Pest Control companies. The quality of our work and the amount of time we can spend with our customers to design tailored solutions, will be a result of our dedication to your customer experience. Josh Johnson Pest Control provides the finest personal service with genuine care all while fulfilling even those unexpressed wishes and needs of our customers. When it is all said and done, we care. We are ready to serve you. Josh Johnson Pest Control provides a variety of services for our customers to choose from, allowing our customers to have tailored solutions designed specifically for their needs.
Here is a list of our Pest Control Services:
Preventative Pest Control Services, Mosquito Control Services, Residential Pest Control Services, Commercial Pest Control Services, Termite Control Services, Preventative Termite Control Services, Ant Control, Flea Control, Roaches Control Services, Preventative Roaches Control Services, Bed Bug Service & Removal, Rodent Control Services, Preventative Rodent Control Services, Rodent proof Mobile Home skirting and Lawn Services are some of the variety of services in which Josh Johnson Pest Control provides for our customers.
Our world is changing constantly. With this said, there are those of us who are looking for ways to manage weeds and pests with little to no use of toxic materials. However, one should understand, when it comes to the control of pests, this rarely relies on a single Pest Control method. Comparatively, once the decision has been established to initiate control, there are a combination of elements involved, including:
• beneficial organisms;
• level of damage;
• selection of the pesticide with the least risk to humans and the environment;
• knowledge of the pests, plant or animal hosts; and
• monitoring.